A Long Thanksgiving Weekend

Ahh, I’m just sitting down to dust off my keyboard this morning. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We really enjoyed our time with family and had a bustling houseful here for dinner. Fairy set the kids’ table for Thanksgiving Dinner. She chose to use the beeswax candles we made and had a lovely little table. Then on Friday we put up our tree. Grandma and Grandpa helped us and afterward we celebrated our Christmas with them.

It may be a little bit quiet on Nature’s Way Learning for a couple weeks. We are not doing formal schooling this month. Our activities are going to be centered around preparing for Christmas. I will be getting my term two book list finalized and up for those of you who like to look it over for ideas. I may also take some time this month to talk curriculum since I’ve recently done a lot of research for next year… we’ll see.