Tracks in the Snow


BRRRR! It is so cold outside right now that basically all of our Nature Studies are being done at the kitchen window. Fortunately the bird feeders really provide a lot of Nature Entertainment. When we have gotten outside over the last few weeks, we have been collecting snow track photos.

I believe the above photo shows tracks from our neighbor’s cat who likes to hunt our birds (devastated a nest this past spring) and uses our sand box (insert snarl on my part here). I tend to send the dog out when I see said cat.

One of our dog’s prints. Four toes front and back indicate canine or feline family.

The above two photos show squirrel prints from under the bird feeder. Four toes in front, five in the back indicates rodent family.

Bird prints across our deck.

The deer, rabbit and raccoons that are normally found in our yard in the warmer months… move on in the winter. I am assuming this is due mainly to the water source (pond across the street) freezing. They will definitely be back when I fruitlessly try to plant our garden this spring 😉 .