Bride’s Tree Ornaments

I was reading in my little Advent book our church handed out, about a German Tradition that includes 12 specific ornaments to ensure a happy marriage. I thought it would be fun to create these 12 themed ornaments with the kids.

Angel (symbol of God’s guidance)

Fish (symbol of Christ’s blessing and of fertility)

Teapot (hospitality)

Bird (joy, happiness and the Holy Spirit)

Rabbit (hope and peace with nature)

Fruit Basket (generosity and plenty)

Heart (love in the home)

Pine Cone (fruitfulness, motherhood)

Flower Basket (good wishes in the home)

Rose (symbol of affection and the Virgin Mary)

House (protection)

Santa (goodwill, giving and sharing)

A Little Bit Spooky Fun

One of my favorite things about holiday traditions, is the fact that I can watch my children grow into the holidays. Each year they experience those “same things” at a different level. Halloween is a favorite around here. We aren’t into anything really spooky but enjoy dressing up, bonfires, spiced cider and jack-o-lanterns all in good fun! We always Trick-or-Treat at a local Historic Village that puts on a Sleepy Hollow like theme in the village. They have jack-o-lantern lined streets, eerie music, and little stage plays going on through out. This year Fairy has discovered spooky things that didn’t phase her in the past… and she is getting a bit of a thrill from it all. I remember when Bug made that cross over a couple Halloweens ago – from it all just seeming like lots of commotion and silly costumes to a little bit spooky.

Crossing the covered bridge (still makes me cringe a bit) that is filled with smoke, in the dark, with flashing lights from underneath, while clip, clop horse hoof sound effects played was indeed thrilling for her. She refused to step on any cracks in the bridge floor and finally made it across wide eyed. She told me that she was very brave and I of course agreed. I was a little afraid it might have been too much for her this year but she wants to go back and do it again next weekend. LOL… not until next year sweetie. That’s the thing about traditions… it will be there next year. Maybe she will be a princess again. Maybe she will have moved onto something else. Maybe it will be a little bit spooky. Maybe not so much. Or maybe she will clutch my hand white knuckled like Bug did this year (that boy’s imagination would give Ichabod a run for his money).