Wild Cherry Tree Nature Study

Since we only recently joined in the Outdoor Hour Challenges we needed to choose a tree to use for our year long study. We choose a Wild Cherry Tree right outside my mom’s kitchen window. I think this will be a great tree to really display change in seasons… bright leaves in the fall, flowers in the spring, berries in the summer.

We gathered a bunch of leaves. It was very interesting to note the range in size and color. The kids, especially Fairy, thought the purple stems were very cool. Upon further reading I think I should note that Cherry Tree Leaves and Stems can be toxic, especially if wilted or damaged.

Another interesting observation was the texture on the bark. It has very distinct horizontal lines rather that vertical like all the other trees we have studied so far.

The best part about this tree… we can see it from the kitchen table. Although we love drawing outside, sitting at the table meant I was actually able to participate this time rather than just facilitating and documenting everyone else’s study. It has been a really long time since I sat and tried to draw anything… and of course I didn’t get a chance to finish it but what the heck, I thought I would share my entry this time instead of one of the kiddos.

Join in the Outdoor Hour Challenges.