Bug’s Knight Book

I thought I would share the book Bug wrote this week. I tried to stay out of the story creation and just do my part taking dictation so it is a Knight Story as told by a 5 year old boy. It is a very thrilling story and a cliff hanger, as per Bug’s implicit instructions (he explained that the story was done for now… the rest is for book two). I didn’t scan the final page which simply reads, “To be continued…” but just so you aren’t left hanging too long I will assure you he is already outlining books 2 and 3 in this series. Book two will be sent to print shortly. BTW – I believe the landscape and character creation to be highly influenced by Lego Catalogs. (You can click on the 4 arrows in the bottom right corner to make the slide show full size – and therefore legible. The pause button is helpful too 😉 ).