Old Seed Project


After commenting on the previous post… I decided to pull up some project notes of a seed project Bug did a couple years ago… prior to my blogging. I can’t believe that this was TWO YEARS AGO (he was four at the time). Wow… has time flown. If nothing else, it should make up a bit for my non-creative blogging as of late.

We sprouted three different seeds on a wet paper towel in a plastic baggie. We hung it on the fridge and made sure the paper towel stayed damp. Bug kept a journal of which day roots and stem were visible.

He also measured the sprouts to see which one "won" (in his mind… the bigger the better). We used 1" blocks as his standard of measurement.

This was a really fun project… great for preschoolers. They get to see the magic of the seed unfold right before their eyes… unlike when it is stuck in the dirt. I think it is time I redid it with my girls.


Little Flower Pots

The kids got some little flower pot seed kits from Nana for Easter. We put them together a few days ago. Only four days later and the the sprouts are growing like crazy. We need to thin the pots a bit (or a lot). It won’t be long before we have some pretty flowers on the kitchen sill.


A Sunny Summer Weekend

I hope you are enjoying your summer as much as we are enjoying ours! Images from the past week’s Sunny Summer Weekend.

Planting in the Hoof Prints

Our New Veggie Garden

We finally got the veggie beds ready to plant. I’ve been working at digging them out the last couple weekends and Sunday we moved some top soil in from a bunch of old planter boxes we are removing from elsewhere in the yard. We set up the sprinkler to test out the coverage and left nice, wet, loose soil to plant in today.

So with seed packs in hand we went out this afternoon and… planted in the deer hoof prints. LOL! I’m sure that this isn’t a good sign. But maybe with veggies as an offering they will LEAVE MY HASTAS alone.

Anyway, most of the planting was actually done by ‘B’ so it will be a fun surprise to see what pops up where. I know the peas were waaayy over planted. But she was having fun. We planted some pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, beans and peas. Honestly, all I’m really hoping for this year is a few pumpkins because they are so much fun to watch growing and I think the kids would enjoy carving a pumpkin that came from our own garden. I’m not really expecting to gain anything truly edible but who knows. Maybe the deer will leave a few beans for us… but that is definitely a big maybe. 😉

Planting Pumpkins

The kids planting pumpkins.

The Girls Planting

The girls were a big help.

UPDATE: The deer ate everything! When we got home from the wedding it was all gone. ‘A’ was in tears over the pumpkins. I knew it was a long shot without a fence but I was hoping the pumpkins would make it. We plan to turn it all under and try again next with a fence in place.