Big Day for Bug

Yesterday was a big day for Bug. He started the morning with Tae Kwon Do testing. He did great and achieved his green belt. He is now moving up to the advanced class for kids his age… Fairy is going to tag along with him. I don’t have it in me to spend 4 nights a week at different TKD classes.


After his testing we hurried over to his last t-ball game of the season. He had a fun time and is planning to play again next year… eager for coach pitch instead of the tee.


Princess Camp 2009

I’m having issues with my camera… everything is turning out very, very grainy… especially indoors. Grr… this something I need to figure out… but anyway, here are some shots from Fairy’s last week at Princess Camp. The Camp is held at her dance studio. She has a blast and next year Pixie will get to join her!


Fun at the Fair

Here is some good ol’ summer fun at the carnival.


Summer Break

Our activities (and my posting) will be very slow for the next few weeks. We are enjoying a summer break with lots of time with Daddy. I hope everyone has a lovely summer and if I’m not on much before then… I will be back to posting regularly in August.

Some Highlights from the Week

Pixie woke up one morning asking for earrings. Two days later she was still asking so we decided to give it a try. She did great. Not a peep out of her while they did it and she has been taking good care of them. She is very excited about having earrings.

Fairy had her second dance recital. As with most things, it was amazing to watch the difference a year makes in the kids’ abilities. She enjoys being out on the big stage. I have no idea where she gets that from!

Bug started t-ball and had his first game this week. He is really enjoying it and it is fun to be on the sidelines watching. Such a summer thing to do!

Painting Peter Rabbit

We have been reading a lot of Beatrix Potter these days… perfect spring time reading. Fairy especially likes to listen to the stories of the naughty bunnies. We used Peter Rabbit as our inspiration for a painting session last week.

I love painting with the kids. It amazes me what they see… Da’Vinicis everyone of them.

Bug’s Painting titled "Cabbage Garden."

I like how he used a bird’s eye view.

Fairy’s Painting titled "The Scarecrow."

There is something so haunting about the scarecrow face in the middle of the dark colors.

Pixie’s Painting finally titled "Leaves."

Her painting went through three distinct stages. The first was called "Bunny" and the page was all yellows. Then it was called "Squirrel" and was made up of brown and orange circles. Finally she settled on "Leaves." Each painting was completed directly on top of the others but both she and I know that there is a bunny and a squirrel behind all those leaves. 🙂 Amazing how a two year old’s painting can give you great insight into the Masters’ works.