Freezer Paper Leaf T-Shirts

Freezer Paper Leaf Shirts

Freezer Paper Leaf Shirts

This week’s Unplugged Challenge theme was Trees. I had been wanting to try the Freezer Paper Stencil T-shirts for awhile now and leaves seemed like a fun inspiration for the design.

We started by going on a leaf scavenger hunt. Each of the kids gathered 5 leaves with completely different shapes. Once we had all our leaves we compared their shapes and colors. They each picked one leaf for their shirt design. I cut the freezer paper into 8.5″x11″ sheets to fit in our printer.

Then we photo copied each leaf onto a sheet of freezer paper. I cut out the shapes and ironed them on the tee shirts.

I helped each of the kids stencil their shirt. We used a sponge style stencil brush and it was not the best for the project. I will try something else in the future. It left a bubble like texture in the paint. But in general the kids and I were pretty happy with our results. (Remember to put a piece of card board inside the shirt so the paint doesn’t bleed through).

A couple days later the kids modeled their new shirts outside under the trees. Here they are trying to do a yoga ‘Tree Pose.’ Very cute!