Painting Peter Rabbit

We have been reading a lot of Beatrix Potter these days… perfect spring time reading. Fairy especially likes to listen to the stories of the naughty bunnies. We used Peter Rabbit as our inspiration for a painting session last week.

I love painting with the kids. It amazes me what they see… Da’Vinicis everyone of them.

Bug’s Painting titled "Cabbage Garden."

I like how he used a bird’s eye view.

Fairy’s Painting titled "The Scarecrow."

There is something so haunting about the scarecrow face in the middle of the dark colors.

Pixie’s Painting finally titled "Leaves."

Her painting went through three distinct stages. The first was called "Bunny" and the page was all yellows. Then it was called "Squirrel" and was made up of brown and orange circles. Finally she settled on "Leaves." Each painting was completed directly on top of the others but both she and I know that there is a bunny and a squirrel behind all those leaves. 🙂 Amazing how a two year old’s painting can give you great insight into the Masters’ works.

Painting Peter Rabbit

  1. Lori says:

    i’m pretty sure the aerial perspective is a sign of genius. :^)

    the scarecrow painting *is* spooky and angsty!

    i love how small children tell a story as they paint — you need to video that! :^)

  2. Heather says:

    I really love the painting. I need to do that with my kids. It’s hard for me to get past the “mess” factor. I guess I just need to let loose! I really love the things you do with your kids!

  3. Michelle says:

    Hi Heather! You know what… it really isn’t as messy as you would think. At least my kids aren’t that messy of painters when we aren’t purposefully finger painting (that can need a hose). Maybe it is the habit of painting since we do it quite frequently but I will say, when I am being less attentive to it myself they get plain ol’ crayola water colors.

  4. Tina says:

    Can I ask what kind of paint the kids were using with these pictures? They look great. Fairy’s is very thought-provoking! I think it’s fun to use a story as a jumping off point for their creations. We don’t do enough painting around here. Although, the boys do haul out their colored pencils/crayons/pastels almost every day. The paint is just not as accessible for them. I’m trying to come up with some sort of solution to that. (Then again, considering the mess-factor, maybe I shouldn’t want a solution!)

  5. Michelle says:

    I can’t remember which brand we have at the moment (Reeves I think) but I like to buy the set of 12 colored tubes of both water colors and acrylic paints at Micheal’s. These were watercolors but none of the kids wanted their papers pre-wetted so they painted more like the acrylics. Like I said before… the kids can get to their box of crayola watercolors without any fuss… the tube paints (none washable) are reserved for more supervised painting around here. The kids also spend more time on their paintings if I am sitting next to them working on my own.

  6. SeaBird says:

    My boys are really into a few of the Beatrix Potter stories, too, and these pictures were fun to look through!

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