At the beginning of the week we went on a Field Trip to the zoo with Daddy, Liz and Kyle. The amphibians and reptiles were by far the biggest hits… although this may be due mostly to the fact that their buildings were so nice and toasty warm. It was maybe 40 degrees out, misty and very, very windy. We spent the majority of our time in the reptile house watching the nesting crocodiles which was cool… although that building is the creepiest place in the world if you ask me. I am not a fan of snakes due in a large part I assume to a traumatic experience I had at Bush Gardens when I was about 3yr… some silly zoo keeper put a giant snake on my shoulder after I told him I didn’t want to touch it and then got mad when I threw it to the ground… UGG! Anyway, we had a fun time and will be going back soon to appreciate some of the outdoor inhabitants.
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ah, my boys would love this day! aggggh re: the 3yo traumatic snake incident. i hate when adults ignore children and just mow right over them!
Did you want me to email you the photos we got?
I would love to see the photos you got Liz. 🙂
I was looking at your booklist and just wanted to say that Mother Earth & Her Children is one of my children’s all time favorite books. It is beautiful! I think you will enjoy it.
Looks like your family is having a great time learning lately too.
Although I’m sorry I couldn’t spend the day with you, you probably couldn’t have gotten me out of the warmth of the reptile house! I’ve always thought it would be so nice to own my own, personal heating rock. Sigh.