Little Flower Pots

The kids got some little flower pot seed kits from Nana for Easter. We put them together a few days ago. Only four days later and the the sprouts are growing like crazy. We need to thin the pots a bit (or a lot). It won’t be long before we have some pretty flowers on the kitchen sill.


Little Flower Pots

  1. Tina says:

    That’s speedy sprouting. What kind of flowers are they? We are seed starting tons of veges for the garden, but the boys are only vaguely interested. Ah well, it’s all about exposure, right?

  2. Michelle says:

    Zinnias I believe but the kids took the wrappers off them and I can’t really remember. I guess we will see.

    Have you tried sprouting a bean seed in a clear baggie on top of a damp paper towel? I did that… gosh must have been two years ago now (time to do it again probably) with Bug and he loved it. You can really see the process – rather than just sticking it in the dirt… the magic is all visible. I kept them on the fridge with the magnetic chip clips. We used three different bean seeds and every few days he would measure them to see which one was “winning.”

  3. Gammy says:

    Yikes! Unless those pots of full of grass seed, I’d say you have some serious thinning to do!

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