Slow Posting

It feels like it has been forever since we have been in our normal rhythms around here. We had some out of town company and then the kids all got sick again. This time a nasty stomach flu that is taking days… Fairy’s been battling it on and off for over a week now… to pass. Thank goodness mommy is still functioning (Daddy’s down for the count)… although I’ve forgotten what sleep feels like. Fortunately, this too shall pass.

Hurry up spring! I’ve had enough of flu season!

Slow Posting

  1. Tina says:

    I hope everyone feels better soon! Stomach viruses are the worst! We have been battling colds here, and after 2 weeks mine seems to be getting worse not better (what is up with that?) but I will still take that over a stomach virus. Ick! I’d send you healthy vibes, but we don’t seem to have any over here to spare, LOL.

  2. G says:

    Hope you are all feeling well soon! Your poor Fairy – I hate it when my kids get sick and I can’t just fix it.

  3. lori says:

    hey, i was just saying what happened to february?! and march?! ;^)

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