Nature Study – Squirrels

We had a glorious weekend. It actually hit 45 today! While we enjoyed being outside for a few hours… we took some time to catch up on our Nature Studies.

Here is our entry for squirrels. This is a mammal we are able to observe daily at our feeders. We read about squirrels a couple weeks ago in the Handbook of Nature study as well as the fun book Nuts to You! We also enjoyed the You Tube videos Barb posted. After teaching the kids what to look for… searching for squirrel nests in the bare trees has become a fun game in the car. They are so easy to spot this time of year.

This weekend we were finally able to get some photos to share. Here are some squirrely photos…

Here are some photos of squirrel nests…

And here is Fairy Girl’s journal entry (that is my messy handwriting that she dictated)…


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Nature Study – Squirrels

  1. Gammy says:

    LOL…when I was little we lived near a park. In the winter, when all the trees had lost their leaves, and you could see the squirrel’s nest, I assumed they were made by some REALLY large birds. This caused me a certain degree of anxiety! 🙂

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