Getting Back into the Swing of Things

We had a wonderful break. I loved all those glorious, lazy days. I was a little sad last night when we decided not to light a fire because we had to go to bed early. But boy oh boy does it feel good to get back to our routine today. I won’t lie… it wasn’t our easiest of mornings but there was a lot of excitement as we started up some new activities/projects.

Fairy was eager to get out the paints, play math games and listen to our story of the week (3x).

Bug has started a new project on dinosaurs and dug through many a dino book. (Lucky us… who needs a library when you can ransack Gammy’s basement. My mom ran a preschool for 10 years and kept everything!) He drew several Tyrannosaurus illustrations.

The Pixie girl was just thrilled to have the gnome house back down at her level, which had been moved to make way for the Christmas tree.

I hope everyone else is making a nice transition back into routine.

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

  1. Amber D. says:

    are those ALL children’s books?

  2. Michelle says:

    LOL – yep. Not including her entire section of Children’s reference books. Not to mention paperbacks…

  3. Gammy says:

    HeHe…when I was closing my preschool, parents begged me to sell off my equipment and supplies. No way, I said. Someday I’ll have grandchildren! And aren’t I glad I kept everything!

  4. Lori says:

    ah, back to it. :^)

    happy new year! it does feel good to get back into the routine.

  5. Tina says:

    That is a pretty amazing collection of books. We had a great holiday and vacation, but it is definitely nice to be back into our routine.

  6. mapu says:

    Deadly i mean deadly tree house, that is one super house

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