Whenever anyone asked Fairy Girl what she wanted for Christmas the answer was always… A Marm-o-set. "A Marmoset?" everyone was puzzled… except me. LOL. No she did not want a pet monkey, thank goodness, she wanted a MARBLE SET.
She was of course delighted when Santa brought her one. It has become a family favorite… although marbles in a house with a 2 year old is a bit of a challenge. Fortunately Pixie seems to be a bit beyond her age in terms of her play. Survival skills of a third child I guess… ’cause once Legos are brought into the house there is no such thing as a baby safe room. Those little pieces get everywhere!
I thought I would share one of Fairy’s Marble Runs (yes I helped) for this week’s Unplugged Challenge theme Ball.
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Wow, that is one sweet toy!
Those are fun! I like the play table too.
We have one of these and my kids love it! I usually need to help too.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of “marbles” for ball. I like her marble set!
Actually, I’m disappointed she didn’t get a marmoset
That is another purchase I am anxious to make once our youngest gets past the “ooh let me put that in my mouth” stage. Unlike grammy I’m glad she didn’t get a marmoset, I’m sure they shed. 😉
My 2 girls so love the marble mazes!!! i really need to get one!!
that is a nice marble set.. I mainly only see plastic ones here.. that is a very good one
Marmoset = Marble Set. Totally cute. Marble sets are so great. The boys love ours (a Quadrilla one). Actually, J just put up a marble run all by himself the other day for the first time ever. I should take a picture of it before the puppy knocks it over.
That is a nice set. Cali finds something called magnetics at her big sisters’ school occasionally and always wants to bring them home. She loves them. I really should think about getting a set since she doesn’t get to play with them very often. Great pics!
We have an old marble set like that from when my husband was a kid and my boys love it when we get it out. We used marbles for our project this week too, but I didn’t think about pulling out that toy. It would have been great.