Bug’s Body Project Update

Even though it has been on the back burner in my mind, Bug has not lost any interest in his Inside the Body project. I thought I would share some recent images on the topic.

We went to a Kid’s Hands On Science Museum with some homeschooling friends right before Thanksgiving. My kids were thrilled with the human anatomy exhibits. They really liked the floor model heart where you could walk through the valves.

Bug is frequently found curled up with his favorite anatomy book. Hmm… is there something funny about him being curled up in his Blankie and asking about DNA?

After spending quite a bit of time looking at skeletons Bug wanted to make his own with play dough. I made him up a batch of white salt dough and he ended up focusing just on the skull.

Bug’s Body Project Update

  1. Lori says:

    oop – i wanted to add – we have LEGOs in the background of most of our photos, too. ;^)

  2. Tina says:

    Cool! The boys really like the floor model heart exhibit at our children’s museum too.

  3. JoAnn says:

    I love the idea of making a skull out of salt dough. Wish our children’s museum had a inside the body exhibit right now. Very cool!

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