A Quiet Week on My Blog…

…which really means it has been anything but quiet around here. Not the craziness of our July travels but still a lot of projects in the works.

First, we had our Annual Girl Trip on Monday. Not quite as long (or spendy) as some years but enjoyable and ‘L’ keeps asking when the next one is.

Second, my mom and I have been working on a Crafting Blog. If you haven’t made your way over to Wee Folk Art yet check it out. If I’m not blogging here then I’ve probably been posting a lot over there.

Third, the school year is starting up soon and I’m just trying to get organized. I will be posting our first Kindergarten/Prechool Trimester book list and curriculum plans in another couple days or so. Most of the books have been added to my Amazon book list if anyone is looking for ideas.

A Quiet Week on My Blog…

  1. spright says:

    I can’t help but becoming a little introspective every time we go on a girl’s trip. When we first started going Michelle was in 9th grade and just had all her wisdom teeth removed. I’ve got to believe she has a rather drug induced memory of that trip! Her cousin Bailey was just a tot in a stroller. Now, Bailey is a senior in high school, and Michelle is ushering around her two wee ones! Ah, how life changes. Always good, but always different!


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