Sheep Sheering

We went to a Spring Festival a couple weeks ago and got to watch some Sheep get their summer cuts. The kids always enjoy watching this. Bug stood up at the end and explained to the crowd how they then need to clean the wool and then spin it into yarn to make sweaters. I didn’t take my camera but luckily my new cell phone has a camera. I couldn’t figure it out… but my hubby finally figured out how to get the photos off of my new cell phone. I was pretty impressed with the photos considering.

Ahh… Spring!


There is nothing like kid-sized umbrellas and lake-sized puddles to entertain the kiddos. Pure Joy! This was the before photo… I was too afraid for my camera to get the after. It did result in a before dinner bath and a laundry room mop down. Ahh… who am I kidding. I never mop the laundry room… but it could really have used a mopping!


The girls (especially Fairy) are keeping the house filled with little jars of flowers, mainly dandelions. I keep finding our little painting jars filled with them all over the house. Delightful!

Dare I Say Spring?

I’m not going to kid myself into thinking that Spring is here. I am fully aware that we still have a full month or two of winter left… BUT we are coming out of the bitter cold and we have had proof that there still is a Sun! If nothing else, this past weekend was rejuvenating in its teasing sense of Spring. What struck me most were the sounds!

Little joys of the day…

We spent over two hours at our favorite farm were there was an adorable litter of 5 day old piglets. What a noise they made at feeding time.

The sky was filled with birds. Swooping, diving and chattering up a storm. It must have felt nice to stretch their wings.

There was a constant sound of running water. The streams were vigorously flowing… icicles dripping. And who could resist the splash of jumping in all those puddles… oh so tempting.


Gone was the squeak of stepping on super cold snow, replaced instead with a satisfying crunch. We trudged through the 2 foot deep mounds without feeling cold just in our fleece coats and stocking caps. It was the perfect wet snow for packing to make snow forts and for throwing snow balls that landed in a thudding splat.

Once inside, hot chocolate was served by Gammy in English Garden tea cups that made such a delightful clinking sound.